Our Practice

The practice of Jim Robinson, M.D. provides the most advanced treatments, leading edge techniques for treatment of brain and skull base tumors and other brain disorders. He treats a wide range of neurological disorders, with a focus on brain and skull base tumors, pituitary tumors and trigeminal neuralgia. Dr. Robinson is proudly affiliated with the Northside Hospital, the Northside Hospital Cancer Institute, Piedmont Hospital and the Piedmont Brain Tumor Center.
Cranial Microsurgery
The advent of the Surgical Microscope has led to the greatest advancement in the safety of brain surgery in the 20th Century. Combined with the latest of technology in Surgical Navigation, Intraoperative Ultrasound, Awake Surgery for tumors in eloquent brain regions, and special MRI techniques like Fiber-Tracking and Functional MRI brain surgery is safer than before imaginable. The surgeon, however, is still the greatest factor influencing outcome of surgery. Dr. Robinson possesses the training, aptitude, skill, and experience to ensure you the best opportunity to recover quickly and thrive following your procedure.

View of brain with tumor cyst.
Endoscopic Cranial Surgery
Endoscopic techniques help to visualize problems and normal anatomy with magnification and can provide a less invasive approach for some tumors and disorders. At times, surgery can be completely endoscopic, while at other times, endoscopy helps as an aid in an “Open” operation. Dr. Robinson is highly skilled and experienced in Endoscopic Technique and uses it when appropriate.

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Gamma Knife treatment is performed using a highly precise focus of approximately 200 individual radiation sources that the Neurosurgeon and Radiation Oncologist aim to kill or treat tumors and other disorders in the brain. This allows a highly therapeutic dose of radiation to be delivered to the abnormality with minimal radiation hitting the normal brain and other tissues. Gamma Knife treatment is a truly lifesaving technology with over 500,000 patients treated world-wide and has been more studies in the literature than any other form of radio surgery. NO OTHER Stereotactic Radiosurgery system , including Cyberknife and other Linac-based systems can compete with the functional superiority of Gamma Knife in treating the abnormality while sparing unnecessary radiation to the brain (with its dangerous effects).
Piedmont Gamma Knife

Brain and Skull-based tumors
There is a greater variety of pathologic types of tumors we lump in “brain tumors” than seen anywhere else in the body. Some benign, some malignant, some in between. Tumors can grow within any part of the brain, from nerves exiting the brain, and from the covering of the inside of the skull. Each case is unique, and the optimal treatment plan depends on the judgment of the neurosurgeon based on training and experience, as well as an element of creativity. Dr. Robinson consistently develops outstanding comprehensive treatment plans, often in conjunction with colleagues in relevant specialties, and delivers exceptional results through his gifted aptitude and diligent attention to detail.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
This terribly painful condition can occur for several reasons, the two most common being a compression of the brain stem-nerve junction of the Trigeminal nerve, and Multiple Sclerosis.While medication may help T.N. despite the underlying cause, surgical treatment often is required in order to obtain satisfactory relief. Vascular compression is best dealt with by a microsurgery procedure called a MicroVascular Decompression (MVD). This highly successful procedure takes about an hour and a half for Dr. Robinson, using neurologic monitoring and endoscopic assistance as necessary to obtain an optimal outcome, with a hospital stay of two days. Gamma Knife Radiosurgery can also be very helpful as an outpatient option for these patients.
Pituitary Tumors
Pituitary Tumors often present with either endocrine dysfunction with loss of normal periods, or testosterone other hormonal deficiency, vision trouble, or a hypersecretory endocrine syndrome such as Cushing’s Disease or Acromegally. While some pituitary tumors can be treated well with medication, surgery is often a part of the comprehensive treatment plan, and is often curative. Small nuances in surgical technique can make the difference between a great result, or a dangerous post-operative course that can result in death or disability. Dr. Robinson’s pituitary surgery outcomes are outstanding, and his primary goal is always to prevent the occurrence of complications that can require reoperation, extended stay in the hospital, and will lessen the patient’s quality of life.
Chiari Malformations
Chiari malformations effect the back of the brain, skull, and often the upper cervical spine and spinal cord. These can be complex abnormalities requiring multimodality diagnostic procedures to clearly delineate the problems. There are some centers in the country that market aggressively to obtain Chiari patient “out-of network” to boost their reimbursement, and at times perform more aggressive surgeries than needed. Dr, Robinson maintains sound judgement and recommends to patients a customized treatment plan on the basis of their symptoms, neurologic exam findings, and diagnostic studies. If surgery is needed, you can have the confidence that you will receive the best of care.
Vascular Malformations
There are several types of Vascular Malformations. Some are more dangerous and are at a higher risk of hemorrhage into the brain than others. At times, a vascular malformation requires simply observation, or medical treatment of symptoms. Other cases are best treated with surgery, or catheter-based “endovascular “ therapy, or Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. Dr. Robinson has the experience to guide you through the best therapy and interventions for these sometimes very complex problems.
Spinal Tumors
Tumors can occur in the spine within the spinal cord (continuation of brain that courses down the inside of the spinal bones), inside the area that the spinal cord travels and will compress the spinal cord, or in the bones of the spine itself. These tumors can be benign or cancerous. Dr. Robinson is highly skilled in surgery and focal radiation (spinal radiosurgery) for these tumors and his patients can be assured a customized approach to their problems and expert skill in the execution of the plan.