Brain Health Quiz
For Brain Health, I would choose…
BlueberriesBlue is my FAVORITE color.Apples
An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!SUBMIT ANSWER
Apples are a fiber rich, healthy, and low calorie snack. But blueberries are packed with not only Vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant, but they are also packed with other phenol and anthocyanin antioxidants. A whole cup of delicious Blueberries is only 80 calories. Research has shown that organically grown blueberries have higher antioxidant levels than others.
When I have free time, the best thing I can do for my Brain Health is…
Watch my favorite movieI work hard and my brain needs the rest.Do Sudoku
Brain exercise!Learn something new, like a second language.
Sounds challenging, but I’m up for it.SUBMIT ANSWER
Resting your brain is important when sleeping and play is very healthy, but mental tasks like cross word puzzles and Sudoku are great for keeping your brain sharp. Building new neuronal connections by learning something new such as a new language however, is probably an even better use of your time. Variety in brain games and learning is important.
When it comes to daily tasks it is better to…
Try new ways to do things, such as using your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth or use your computer mouse.Why not try something new?Stick to a routine and improve your performance.
Practice makes perfect!SUBMIT ANSWER
While practice does help build muscle memory (stored in the brain), challenging your brain to be flexible and to find and practice new patterns and ways of doing things builds new networks in the brain.
Olive Oil is good for your brain because…
It is one of the Brain's favorite sources of nutrition because it uses the oil’s fats for energy.Feed that brain!Olive Oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other antioxidants that help reduce damage from environmental exposures.
Clean that brain!SUBMIT ANSWER
The brain can only run on sugar for metabolism. When you run low on sugar (glucose), your body will convert fats or proteins into carbohydrate to use instead. Olive oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other antioxidants that counteract the effects of free radicals on your cells.
When it comes to sleep…
It is quality that matters.I sleep when I can and missing a few hours does not hurt my mental performance.A full 8 hours or so makes a difference.
I can tell you from experience.SUBMIT ANSWER
Reduction of sleeping hours from 8 down to 6 hours has been shown to reduce memory recall by almost one-third. Poor sleeping habits clearly lead to impaired performance. You may feel that you can still reasonably function with less than optimal sleep, but you will not be at your best.
Dark Chocolate is good for your brain because…
It has lots of antioxidants.Always good, right?It contains and elevates your Serotonin levels.
That feels good!BothNeitherSUBMIT ANSWER
Cocoa contains lots of antioxidant power and is not only good for you nutritionally, but also increases Serotonin levels (both contains Serotonin, and increases your own production) which makes you feel good. Dark chocolate has more cocoa in proportion to sugar and is therefore preferred.
Bigger brains tend to be smarter brains…
YesMore and Bigger Brain CellsNot necessarily
Mine is not big, but it’s efficient!SUBMIT ANSWER
Very large and very small brains are both abnormal, but the typical variation in brain size means little. Albert Einstein’s brain was measured at autopsy and found to be 2.7 pounds whereas the adult average is just over 3 pounds!
Psychological Stress is…
Good for your brainIt keeps you on your toes.Bad for your brain
Makes my brain hurt.SUBMIT ANSWER
Stress is evil for your body and your brain. Not only does it cause distraction making it difficult to concentrate on tasks, but it also elevates the stress hormone Cortisol. Elevated Cortisol levels cause many problems, but specifically in the brain have been found to be associated with reduction in the size of the temporal lobes, which are important in memory and speech functions.
You got out of 8 answers correct.
Thank you for taking our Brain Health Quiz! If you have questions or want more information, please call Dr. Robinson’s office at 404-254-3160.